Python Hyperschema 3.0 is placed in the public domain by Randy Phillips ( because you will need to edit this code to suit your own tastes on the HTML output. If I release it under the GPL that would be a real pain in the neck, as the GPL requires that you giving me every single one of your code changes. If you find a bug or would like to make a contribution to the code, please let me know. Bug fixes and enhancements are most welcome! I would like to put on the hyperschema web site a list of users, please let me know if you used this public domain source code. Email me with any questions or comments, and enjoy! Many thanks to Norman Dunbar,, who pointed out the reverse backslashes (now fixed) at the end of the SQL files, and suggested changing the SQL schema owner name to USER (done). Norman also provided cross-compilation advice for the C source code. The C file, hyperschema.c, is no longer maintained in favor of the Python version, although it is included in the Hyperschema distribution. Instructions: 1) Run make_dump_table.sql to create a dummy table to hold the database metadata. 2) Run extract_schema.sql to populate the dummy table, this may take a while if you have many tables - anyone who can help tune this please try! Current schema owner is USER, change as needed. 3) set linesize to 300 and pages to 32000, spool on, and select * from the dummy table ordering by table_name and column_id to sort the spool file. 4) PYTHON: Run as " filename", where filename is the name of the spool file. You can test on the included example file table.lst. You can also run as "" and be prompted for a file name, I found this handy for developement work within IDLE. C: Run the compiled hyperschema.c as "hyperschema filename", where filename is the name of the spool file. You can test on the included example file table.lst. Please note that after version 3.0, the C source code will not be maintained in favor of Python. 5) Please consider contributing to hyperschema, as Norman Dunbar has done. File list: SQL files used to extract database metadata: make_dump_table.sql extract_schema.sql Example SQL output file: table.lst Hyperschema-generating python source code file: Hyperschema-generating C source code file (deprecated): hyperschema.c Javascript library for mouseovers: overlib.js GIF file for Production Support Team: prodsup.gif HTML output when hyperschema is run for the example file table.lst: index.html ANB_CONTEXT.html BNB_FUNCTION.html CNB_PARTY.html CNB_POSTAL_ADDRESS.html